February 06, 2006

Iraqi Electricity

Into the "corruption and stupidity really matter" files, goes this story about the attempts to get the power turned back on in Iraq. I won't quote any bits; it's a short blog post - go read it.

I'll add the usual disclaimer: it's one anecdotal story, not actual data. That being said, if this is an accurate measure of how the US is putting the country back together, we're in a heap of trouble.

Oh, and what actual data exist (in the first couple of paragraphs) note that electricity production has gone from 4400 megawatts in early 2003 (prewar), to 3560 megawatts in May of 2005, to 3600 megawatts in January 2006 (according to Brookings). Things are not good.

Posted by baltar at February 6, 2006 09:43 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Iraq

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