February 10, 2006

More on NASA PR Idiot

I realize Binky has already covered this story, but I did want to point out one additional major-grade idiocy in ex-NASA PR idiot Deutsch's NYTimesstory:

In an e-mail message, Mr. Deutsch said that remarks about religious views on the creation of the universe sent last October to a Web designer working on a presentation on Albert Einstein were "personal observations" and never were reflected in the material that was posted online.
"We are both Christians, and I was sharing with him my personal opinions on the Big Bang theory versus intelligent design," Mr. Deutsch wrote to The Times. "What I said about intelligent design did not affect the presentation of the Big Bang theory in the subsequent Einstein Web story. This is a very important point, because I have been accused of trying to insert religion into this story, which I was not trying to do." (emphasis added)

Two points: A) If you are an official spokesidiot for any organization, you don't ever mention "personal opinions" when you are on the phone with someone you are providing information to in the course of your job. That's just idiotic. B) He still doesn't get it. Deutsch is still calling it the "big bang theory", even though that's what got him into trouble. Its a theory in the same way that gravity is a theory (both the big bang and gravity are considered theories by science, but I'll guarantee that Deutsch doesn't know the difference between a scientist using the word "theory" and a layperson using the word "theory"; and he got a job at NASA). Deutsch has managed to confirm he's an idiot within a few days of everyone suspecting it.

Posted by baltar at February 10, 2006 12:10 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Crunchy Nutbars | Religion | Science | Space

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