March 26, 2006

Two Days to Go

Jonathan's got a nice, concise post on the politics and mechanics of the national election that Israeli is (finally) having on Tuesday. And for those of you who are into election systems, the first comment is from Matthew Shugat on the intricacies of the d'Hondt sysetm, and the second comment deals with the unusual way in which it's used in Israel.

Oh, in other news related to this election and its political aftermath, Ehud Olmert has announced that it's his intention to make Tzipi Livni (who's the first woman to serve as Israel's Foreign Minister since Golda Meir) his Deputy in the new government. In the wake of Prime Minister Sharon's stroke, that post is being treated with a new level of seriousness.

Posted by armand at March 26, 2006 10:46 AM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs

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