March 26, 2006

Madeleine Albright's Largely Realist Plan for Iran

Given the post on Realism from a few days ago, I thought I'd link to this Steve Clemons post. In it he discusses Secretary Albright's current views on what's going on in the Middle East, and what the US should do about it. She thinks anyone jumping for joy over US successes is kidding themselves.

The president's "march of freedom" is not the big story in the Muslim world, where Shia Muslims suddenly have more power than they have had in 1,000 years; it is not the big story in Lebanon, where Iran is filling the vacuum left by Syria; it is not the story among Palestinians, who voted - in western eyes - freely, and wrongly; it is not even the big story in Iraq, where the top three factions in the recent elections were all supported by decidedly undemocratic militias.

But beyond simply discussing her views, Clemons goes into how Albright's foreign policy views fit with the traditional categories of foreign policy belief systems. So if you are interested in that, go take a look.

Posted by armand at March 26, 2006 08:34 PM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs

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