April 03, 2006

John McCain: Unprincipled, Intolerant Weasel

Just when I think my deep loathing of John McCain can't get more intense ...

You've probably already read that yesterday on national television John McCain was directly asked if he thought Jerry Falwell (whose university McCain will soon be speaking at) was intolerant. McCain's response - no. Funny, that's not what McCain used to say. And as the quotations linked to on this post at Raising Kaine point point - Falwell most certainly is intolerant. There's no question about it. And if his is the kind of politics McCain's now chosen to embrace, awe're all the worse off for having a widely-respected national leader embrace a "demagogic clown".

Posted by armand at April 3, 2006 11:19 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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