April 09, 2006

Fred Hiatt - Not a Part of the Reality-Based Community

Mcjoan at Daily Kos has this link fest dealing with one of today's turns in the Bush-Libby-Wilson leak scandal - the moronic editorial in the Washington Post that ignores several stories written by that paper's own news division. Josh Marshall comments on this latest evidence of the Post's editorial page hackery here.

UPDATE: Publius nails this perfectly.

The Post really outdid itself on this one. The troubling issue here is that Bush declassified only those parts that helped him and continues to this day to conceal those parts that show that he either didn't read, or deliberately exaggerated, what the intelligence said about Saddam's nuclear efforts (either way, it's unacceptable). Relying on words like "part" and "some" indicates, to me, that the Post is well aware of this selective declassification but chose to ignore it. All in all, a terrible editorial from a terrible editorial board from a good paper with excellent reporters.

The truth is that the Post guessed wrong on the most important choice of our generation. Rather than acknowledging and coming to grips with its error, it continues to humiliate and discredit itself by issuing disingenuous editorials like these.

Posted by armand at April 9, 2006 04:50 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Media

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