April 27, 2006


Kevin Drum finds the Congressional recommendation on FEMA to be puzzling (emphasis mine):

This is truly remarkable. FEMA was a fine organization for eight years under Bill Clinton, widely recognized as one of the best run agencies in the federal government. But after a mere five years of George Bush's stewardship there's now a bipartisan consensus that it's so rundown that the only choice is to get rid of it and build a completely new agency in its place. Astonishing.

So the Bush team isn't just incompetent. They're destructive.

Posted by binky at April 27, 2006 08:59 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Natural Disasters


Dangerously inept? This administration? Hires all the wrong people who have none of the right expertise? Who knew!

Posted by: Armand at April 27, 2006 09:27 AM | PERMALINK

I've been pushing the "scuttling the entire government" theory for a while to explain the second term. Running up debt, jackng with Medicare, NCLB... it all points to creative destruction.

Posted by: norbizness at April 27, 2006 09:48 AM | PERMALINK
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