May 06, 2006

Is Our Iraqi Government Set to Allow an Anti-Gay Genocide?

I don't use that word lightly - but since "Grand Ayatollah Sistani recently issued a fatwa on his website calling for the execution of gays in the 'worst, most severe way'" - the Shiite militias (which to all intents and purposes run much of the country) have stepped up attacks on gays and are calling for "calling for the eradication of homosexuals". This has been going on for some time, and it's getting worse. I'm beyond disgusted that Americans are being murdered, and we expending billions of dollars that could be spent on educating and healing millions of Americans, to put evil people like this in power. Beyond disgusted.

Posted by armand at May 6, 2006 11:03 AM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs

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