May 08, 2006

A Times-Dispatch Hit Piece on Jim Webb

The headline blares: Webb speech praised Confederate Army.

But if you actually read the article it's clear that Webb wasn't doing anything of the kind in the way that the headline implies. Given the pro-Republican bent of the paper, perhaps this isn't surprising. But it's shameful that a publication that you would think exists to better inform and educate its readers would present information in such a biased and misleading way. And they seem to suggest that this in some way balances the grotesque past Confederate lovin' behavior of (California-bred) US Senator George Allen. That's ridiculous. Allen's quite possibly a sadist and in his youth (in California) delighted in wearing a Confederate flag pin. What Webb was talking about here, in a measured way, was how a country deals with its past and what you are fighting for when you fight for it. Allen the bully and Webb the patriot are in no way alike.

Posted by armand at May 8, 2006 10:04 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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