May 25, 2006

Nexon Takes Apart Hanson

Victor David Hanson is one of those gifts that keeps on giving. Well, he is in the sense that Caitlin Flanagan or Ms. Malkin (and her ghost writers) are also gifts. And by gifts I mean writers who are so hack-tackular and who fill their work with so many absurd assumptions and illogical arguments that taking them apart piece by piece reminds us just who's sane and has a clue and who, sadly, doesn't. That people like this are published so widely is in some ways one of the saddest things about public discourse in the USA today. But hey, if you can find some humor or awe in the scope of that sort of inanity, check out Dan Nexon taking apart one of Hanson's latest unhinged essays.

Posted by armand at May 25, 2006 02:14 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Iraq

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