June 12, 2006

(Some) US House Members Demand Reforms from Mubarak

The Bushadministration/GOP Congress continues to talk-up "democratic reforms" while taking no firm actions against a number of major non-democratic states - in fact, firmly arguing against punishing these opponents of democratic reforms. This is the story again in again in our relationships around the world right now. But it's rarely more obvious (and kind of embarrassing) than it is in the Arab world. But some members of Congress aren't on board with this seeming hypocrisy, and actually think we should back up our words with firm action. The US House (not surprisingly) defeated an attempt to slash $100 million from the US taxpayers dollars that we send to that clearly undemocratic regime - but the critics of continuing to send our money to that government were vociferous and showed surprising strength.

Posted by armand at June 12, 2006 11:08 AM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs

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