July 06, 2006

Ah, Summer

My compost smells like lavender. I kid you not.

The four avocado pits that have been languishing in the kitchen window for months have sprouted six inches of pink stalk, with pale olive leaves at the tippy top. They are almost Cute Overload anerable.

The tomatoes are trying so hard in this cool, wet start to summer, I couldn't bear to toss the ones that came up in a "volunteer" clump (heirlooms yellows, by the look of the foliage). I sneaked over to Armand's house while he was away at a wedding and planted a few along his fence, with a couple of the thinned watermelons. Then I planted a couple upside down in hanging pots. The rest I have stuck in a black nursery pot, hoping to come up with either a new idea about where to put them here, or to find a home for them somewhere else.

The haricots verts are growing by leaps and bounds, and there are even a few that have almost exceeded their specs.

The baby banana tree is responding well to it's new pot, and putting out satiny new leaves with ruby pink veins. If it makes enough, I might snitch a couple to make some pollo pibil, although to make it right you have to cook it in a fire pit in the ground.

The florence fennel is catching up to the root fennel, but is still behind. The funny thing is that as obnoxious and invasive as the root fennel is, I really do love the more fragrant - than florence - leaf and the color, which is a greenish burgundy.

Tasty nasturtiums, chive blossoms, endive, arugula, lemon balm...mmm, I think dinner starts with salad.

Posted by binky at July 6, 2006 07:52 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Random Thoughts

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