July 19, 2006

Is Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS) an Odious Liar?

Yes. Yes he is.

For a more humorous take on little Hannah's "chart" - even though I'm appalled and annoyed, this is sort of funny.

Posted by armand at July 19, 2006 08:47 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Health | Politics


You know, people don't use the word "odious" nearly enough.

Posted by: binky at July 19, 2006 09:35 AM | PERMALINK

Seriously though, this kind of policy is really stupid, and I can see it having an impact on the IVF process. Do these people even know how IVF works? That doctors stick several fertilized eggs up in there and expect only one to implant? So right off the bat, IVF has about a 75% "murder" rate even in its successes. And if you've never talked to anyone who has gone through the process, it's brutal and takes forever, often through several cycles. That means that 3-4 eggs are implanted several times until one implants. That's a dozen or more in some cases. Do these guys want to create a system where no fertilized eggs can be "killed"? Then IVF would only be able to put in one? And there would be penalties if it didn't work?

Sweet Jesus, the stupidity.

Posted by: binky at July 19, 2006 09:40 AM | PERMALINK

And then there's the (not uncommon) IVF procedure where they plant a whole bunch of eggs and they all take, which is (in standard fertility-doc practice, anyway) followed by something called "selective reduction" down to one or two, because twins are a lot more likely to make it to term and be healthy than, say, quints. Eek, abortion!

Wanna see what would happen without selective reduction? Go to the mall. Count the sets of fraternal twins. These days, fraternal twins are almost always the product of some level of fertility treatment. Now, take maybe half of those sets in your mind and replace them with litters of four or five or six undersize kids, some large percentage of whom are mentally handicapped or otherwise severely developmentally delayed. Negative societal impact, anyone? Don't forget to factor in the fact that moms of twins generally go back to work eventually, but moms of quads often don't.

Of course, such a scenario is unlikely to happen, because most couples would decide that the 'risks' of IVF weren't for them, and would remain childless. Is that what we want?

Posted by: jacflash at July 19, 2006 09:53 AM | PERMALINK

Now, take maybe half of those sets in your mind and replace them with litters of four or five or six undersize kids, some large percentage of whom are mentally handicapped or otherwise severely developmentally delayed. Negative societal impact, anyone? Don't forget to factor in the fact that moms of twins generally go back to work eventually, but moms of quads often don't.

Sounds like Rick Santorum's dream.

Posted by: binky at July 19, 2006 10:13 AM | PERMALINK

I suppose they could always mandate IVF for all married female Americans of childbearing age. Might be able to do some further regulation of sex that way, too.

Posted by: jacflash at July 19, 2006 10:15 AM | PERMALINK

And, for the record, ya'll's points (yes, I am breaking out the 20% Dixie in my language) are a big part of why I used "liar" instead of "misleading". Brownback's far from a moron, and must know better than the fantasies he's throwing out into the public discourse, hoping they'll stick.

There's misleading - and then there's just flat-out dishonest.

Posted by: Armand at July 19, 2006 11:05 AM | PERMALINK

"By that logic, Senator Brownback is a vagina."

Jon Stewart.

Posted by: binky at July 20, 2006 09:05 PM | PERMALINK

This is terribly sad, and obviously, reminds me of jacflash's point from last year.

Posted by: binky at June 16, 2007 12:42 AM | PERMALINK
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