August 01, 2006

I'll just say this about that

The weather, she is brutal.

Posted by binky at August 1, 2006 06:17 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Random Thoughts


it's just too bad there's no way to bottle all the heat in my house to open in, say, december. notwithstanding that my flat, traffic-clogged four-mile bike rides home from work, these days, are sweatier than half the 50-mile rides i've done in the past, i don't even see the point of showering if there's not a damned good reason. i'm sweating all night regardless. why o why didn't i move to san francisco.

Posted by: moon at August 1, 2006 08:59 PM | PERMALINK

Because of the millions of people who had that idea already?

I don't even want a/c, I just want to get all the hot air out of my house. It's nearing midnight, and it's 82 outside, but 87 inside. A whole house fan... mmmm....

Posted by: binky at August 1, 2006 11:06 PM | PERMALINK

Gonna be 102 in Boston today, they're saying. Happily, it'll be in the 80s tomorrow and 70s on Friday, but still. Thank all gods for air conditioning.

Posted by: jacflash at August 2, 2006 09:30 AM | PERMALINK

Yeah, I've been taking a little shit from some unnamed party about how since I grew up in the subtropics and lived in the tropics I shouldn't be complaining about the heat. The missing factor is that near the ocean, generally one gets both a steady breeze and afternoon rains.

Posted by: binky at August 2, 2006 09:37 AM | PERMALINK

The unnamed party and I grew up in a place where the breeze was a regular feature, but these days I'm just far enough inland that it's pretty damn still. And any afternoon rains here mostly serve to encourage the mosquitos.

I am so ready for September.

Posted by: jacflash at August 2, 2006 09:54 AM | PERMALINK

Here there is no breeze. None. Zero.

Posted by: binky at August 2, 2006 09:55 AM | PERMALINK

i don't even want to know what it was in my house last night; what i do know is that when a friend stopped by i was surprised to find that my usually tolerable first floor (which i totally underuse) was also hot enough to make sweating a given.

95 today in p'burgh; glad i'm not in boston, though there one can find the water.

outdoor wedding on saturday -- but it's late in the day and in the shade.

Posted by: moon at August 2, 2006 09:56 AM | PERMALINK

An outdoor wedding in August? That's cruel.

Posted by: Armand at August 2, 2006 10:54 AM | PERMALINK

last year there was one in the SUN. zero shade. for anyone. 90+ degrees. it's the only time in my life that i've been forced, while dressed well, to dab at every inch of exposed skin with a bandanna. just awful.

Posted by: moon at August 2, 2006 12:40 PM | PERMALINK

It hit 103 here for a bit today, fwiw.

Posted by: jacflash at August 2, 2006 06:23 PM | PERMALINK
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