August 02, 2006

To Explain Wakim's (R-WV) Military Service, Here's His Wife - Morgan Fairchild

The White House has prioritized taking down our veteran, middle-of-the-road congressman, Alan Mollohan (D-WV). To accomplish this task they are strongly backing state legislator Chris Wakim. Wakim has indeeded served in the state legislature, but it appears that some of the rest of his resume, is ...uh, well, inflated seems a good word for it.

I'm willing to let the Harvard thing slide, but the "Gulf War veteran" claim is, I think, pretty clearly misleading.

Wakim’s campaign website also says that he is a "Gulf War veteran." "That’s not an exaggeration; it's in the law that I am indeed a Gulf War veteran," he told reporters, explaining that he had not been deployed to the Middle East but instead trained soldiers in Massachusetts during the war.

“To be considered a veteran of the first Gulf War, one must receive the Southwest Asia Service Medal. The absence of the medal makes one a Gulf War-era veteran,” said Joe Davis, spokesman for the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Wakim said he does not have that medal.

For what it's worth, on last week's edition of Hotline TV the editors rated Mollohan as the 4th most endangered incumbent House Democrat in the country (though they seemed to think that only two incumbent Democrats were in deep trouble - Boswell of Iowa and Bean of Illinois).

Posted by armand at August 2, 2006 12:38 PM | TrackBack | Posted to West Virginia

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