September 10, 2006

Sunday Morning Funnies

If you find it amusing to laugh at The Rat, and its recent support of fictionalization. Driftglass, with a little discussion of why Mickey makes a good substitute for Lenin.

Is it fair and factual to depict Mickey as the founder of one of the most infamously (or infa-mousely) oppressive regimes of the 20th Century? As one of modern history's greatest villains, along with Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, and anyone who asks hard questions of the Dear Leader?

No, of course it isn't.

But since Disney has decided to throw its corporate weight and wallet behind ABCs docudogma (see how its just roooolls off the tongue) and throw facts to the four winds when it comes to reporting on the actual events as they actually happened surrounding one of the most important and thoroughly documented events in the actual history of our actual country…why the fuck shouldn't I?

After all, as Steve Gilliard points out, lie or not, "in the interest of drama, we can say he was."

If only we could get Justin, Britney and Xtina to sing the song.

Posted by binky at September 10, 2006 09:20 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Media


This recalls Powers' Prisoner's Dilemma. Armand, you've read it, right?

Posted by: moon at September 11, 2006 11:22 AM | PERMALINK
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