September 15, 2006

Somehow I missed this bit of news

Apparently, there are still people out there who read Ann Althouse.

I know. Total shocker.

Anyway...her attitude reminds me of something. Hmmm, wait, what could it be. Hmmm.... oh yes, I have it now...

Now now young ladies, don't you know you should hide your girl parts in photos?

Posted by binky at September 15, 2006 07:56 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Blogorama | Gender and Politics


Y'know, it wouldn't hurt any to link to Althouse's actual post.

Posted by: jacflash at September 15, 2006 08:10 PM | PERMALINK

You can get to the actual post (with the exceptionally lovely title) from the posts I linked to. I don't care to send any traffic her way, meager as our readership is. Besides, she has Instapundit sending bazillions over to bow in rapture.

On the other hand....

Posted by: binky at September 15, 2006 08:21 PM | PERMALINK

It's totally worth going to the original post, if only to see poor Ann get the shit kicked out of her in the comment thread.

Posted by: jacflash at September 15, 2006 08:47 PM | PERMALINK

I read the Althouse post (the second, not the first), and she did get the shit kicked out of her. Why is she liked? I'll assume this is one of her bad days, and she writes somewhat better than this.

With respect to this post: wow, Althouse is either deliberately trolling her own blog, or she really is fairly dumb.

Posted by: baltar at September 15, 2006 09:10 PM | PERMALINK

You know what happens when you make assumptions. And given the few times I've read her blog, I'd say your second statement is the accurate one.

Especially when she writes things like: "And Jim's right about the meaning of that blog name. It's a graphic sexual image, which is just one more reason why the protests on Jessica's behalf aren't believable." Implying that Feministing is supposed to make us all think of fisting, not the real meaning (being a feminist, like a cyclist goes cycling, a feminist goes feministing). Really ugly, petty, and well, par for the course on that blog.

There are other blogs that have nasty comments (I see Atrios being brought up sometimes) but they are largely unpoliced. Althouse joins right in the stoning.

Ultimately, I think it's a case of consider the source. If you look at that photo and all you can see are tits and all you can say is "look at that intern's boobs," that's more of a reflection on what's in your mind than the way some woman got posed in a photo. As Jill from Feministe points out, Jessica is posed just like (a mirror image of) the woman next to her. But because Jessica is young and cute, she gets jokes made about her assumed sexual availablity to the former president (and later attacked for being unprofessional, on the basis of her top). Ann Althouse doesn't sound like a feminist... she sounds like a nineteen year old jerk. But then, if she's pal-y with Insty...

Posted by: binky at September 15, 2006 09:22 PM | PERMALINK

But wait, there's more:

The Truth About Misogynists

Friday Night Blog Fights

Defining Feminism Ann Althouse Style

Feminism It's About Not Having Your Picture Taken in a T-Shirt and Overturning Roe v. Wade

The jealousy of aging women in which Gilliard Althouses Althouse

But there's titties in that picture

Priotititties people!

Titty titty bang bang

Wankers of the Day

Really, I hope Jessica does not take all this to heart. The assholes want to make her feel bad, make her self-conscious, and make her slump. I hope she keeps standing tall.

Posted by: binky at September 16, 2006 01:21 PM | PERMALINK
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