September 20, 2006

Not a bad idea...

...on a shitty cold dreary day, when I have been overtaken by The Pestilence:

What are you grateful for? (And you'd better come up with five things. I know you can do it! If you're in a bind, there's always the weather, the new TV season, and the seasonal waning of heat and humidity.)

At this moment I am grateful for my dogs, who are piled all over me keeping me (somewhat) cozy as I work on my laptop. They're such a trial sometimes, but they are all extra sweet and always willing to pitch in to help the humans feel better.

I am grateful for my friends, who are the most loving, interesting, intelligent and fun people on the planet (this includes co-bloggers).

I am grateful for my little affordable house in my little affordable town, and even though the plaster is cracked and the floors aren't level, this place is the setting for a terrific life.

I am grateful to have a strong and loving relationship with my parents, even though they still make me a little nuts at times. And for my family, who love each other anyway.

And, I am grateful for my love, who is loyal and true, and encourages me to do whatever my heart desires, and means it when saying to any roadblocks "Don't worry... we'll work it out."

Posted by binky at September 20, 2006 06:02 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Random Thoughts

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