October 02, 2006

Lula in Runoff

Even though some had predicted that Lula would win in the first round, he will face Alkman in a runoff. His administration has been plagued by scandal, but has delivered in ways the voters approve of.

There's an old saying in Brazil: ele rouba, mas faz. It's indicative of a pragmatic view of otherwise unsavory administrations (and/or a historical inability to change administrations to anything better).

The other interesting thing about the PT, is that it was long seen as a different kind of party, based on meritocratic promotion, and untainted by the decades of power and corruption that sapped the intergrity of the other parties. Some feared that when reality hit, the party would suffer worse for that view. This vote, a decade and a half later, shows otherwise.

Posted by binky at October 2, 2006 07:01 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Latin America

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