October 07, 2006

Argentina's Least Favorite Ships in Brazil's Navy?

Ah the things you learn on Wikipedia. For example, did you know that two Brazilian frigates (the Greenhalgh and the Dodsworth) were once British warships (the Broadsword and the Brilliant)and fought in the Falklands War (against, of course, Brazil's regional rival, Argentina)? Posted by armand at October 7, 2006 09:12 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Military Affairs


How did today turn into "Navy Day"?

I'm not objecting, just curious.

Posted by: baltar at October 7, 2006 09:54 PM | PERMALINK

Well the first story was prominetly listed in the AP wire, Google news and whatnot, and since it grates on my nerves ... and the 2nd story ... I'd clicked on Wiki to look up some trivial detail about the "Iron Duke" that I was wondering about (which actually I've completely forgotten in the last hour), which led to me seeing the Type 23 frigate link, which led to me clicking on the Type 22 frigate link, and ... there you have.

The power of wire services + my need to search for an answer when I'm wondering about minute details of the lives of dead white guys.

Posted by: Armand at October 7, 2006 10:10 PM | PERMALINK

That's fine. I was just curious. I thought we might be turning into "Lawyer, Guns, and Money" for a while (which isn't necessarily a bad thing).

I thought the "Iron Duke" was a battleship? What does that have to do with frigates?

Just trivialities.

Posted by: baltar at October 7, 2006 10:26 PM | PERMALINK

Iron Duke was a WWI battleship, yes - but now it's the name of a frigate. The Type 23's are the "Duke" class - apart from "Iron Duke" they all bear the name of duchies or old dukes or whatever (Westminster, Argyll, Somerset, etc.).

And such topics are things I'll likely hit repeatedly. I've always been interested in ships and navies. I used to regularly go visit ones that were open for visitors in New Orleans when I was little.

Posted by: Armand at October 8, 2006 01:10 AM | PERMALINK
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