October 17, 2006

Venezuela and Guatemala - The Fight on First Avenue

Hey if it worked in Florida in 2000 ...

''In the year 2000, I spent 31 days in Florida,'' Bolton told reporters at one point, referring to the long U.S. presidential election recount. ``This has just begun.''

Nonetheless, you'd hope that voting at the UN over a seat on the Security Council wouldn't be compared to one of the low points in American democracy. And you'd really hope that the comparison wouldn't be made by the US Ambassador to the United Nations. But sadly ...

I feel a little bad for Guatemala. I imagine the US strong-arming on this issue might be doing them more harm than good. But perhaps they will still prevail. They have been in the lead, but have been unable to secure the 2/3's vote needed to win the seat on the Security Council. There have already been 10 rounds of voting, and there's still no winner for this seat (for the place on the Security Council currently filled by Argentina - Peru will fill the other Americas seat through 2007). The countries that have been elected to serve on the Security Council in 2007-2008 are South Africa, Indonesia, Italy and Belgium. Of those four, only Indonesia faced a contested race, and it easily beat Nepal.

Posted by armand at October 17, 2006 08:29 AM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs


It continues.

Round 12 results: Guatemala had 107 votes, Venezuela had 77 votes, and some seven nations abstained.

Posted by: Armand at October 17, 2006 01:07 PM | PERMALINK

if "continues" is apt, whether they need 2/3 of eligible votes, or 2/3 of votes cast, by my tally quatemala's prevailed. am i failing third grade math here?

Posted by: moon at October 17, 2006 04:33 PM | PERMALINK

i'm an idiot. i'm going to leave the office before i can do any more damage. and the really sad thing is i'm by no means innumerate over here. wow. i'm going to weep into my cupped palm all the way home, assuming the bus doesn't hit anything (we've had like a half-dozen bus accidents in two days here), and perhaps all the more so if it does.

Posted by: moon at October 17, 2006 04:35 PM | PERMALINK

We are up through 30 rounds of voting - and still no winner.

Posted by: Armand at October 19, 2006 05:09 PM | PERMALINK
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