October 27, 2006

The Virginian-Pilot Endorses Jim Webb for US Senate

I sometimes think that the importance of newspaper endorsements in high-profile races is overstated. They can matter, but it definitely depends on the circumstances. WIth that in mind I think this one might matter, if only slightly (and slightly matters in a race that's essentially tied). Why? It's a well-known and widely read paper in what's arguably the most "purple" area of the state. And if people read the editorial, not merely the headline, a lot of the reasons they are supporting him are reasons not always associated with Democratoc positions (at least not in parts of Virginia). A lot of it is very personal, and couched in terms that will appeal to independents and even conservatives - so he could gain supporters outside the typical Democratic base.

Posted by armand at October 27, 2006 02:47 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Media | Politics

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