November 30, 2006

George Will Calls Jim Webb a Pompous Poseur

And a boor.

Seriously, I'm not making that up. If there was ever a case of "pot, meet kettle" ... I'm pretty close to rolling on the floor I'm laughing so hard. Who knew Will had it in him to be such a comedian?

Webb's prime offenses seem to be that 1) he didn't lie prone before the president and declare that he was unworthy to be in the presence of the almighty presidency, and 2) sloppy use of modifiers. Yes, you read that right too - Will thinks it's a useful thing for the United States that op-ed space in one of the most influential media outlets in the country be devoted to a discussion of a sloppy use of a couple of adverbs.

I suppose this is the first salvo in a war from the Right to delegitimize Jim Webb - to make everything he says not serious policy proposals, but the snarling jabs of an unhinged, angry hater. But really it reads more like the untethered from reality musings of the mutton-chopped the 7th Earl of Somethingorother, as he sits erect in his high-backed leather chair, awaiting a meal of squab at his London club in 1883.

Posted by armand at November 30, 2006 09:27 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Media | Politics

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