January 03, 2007

The International

Remember late in Metropolitan when Nick Smith is telling Tom about The International, the forced, tacky ball that wasn't a natural outgrowth of a particular u.h.b. social set?

I guess you could say it's extremely vulgar, I like it a lot.

Well, guess what was held for the 52nd time last week? And apparently some attendees hold it in even lower regard than witty Nick. Consider one Freddy Paterson-Morgan's comments. Mr. Paterson-Morgan was one of the escorts of Lady Henrietta Seymour, the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Somerset.

"It’s full of room-temperature-IQ Texans, ghastly boring Americans and ugly old people," he said of the party. "It’s ghastly - it's so bloody pretentious. Yes, there are beautiful women here, but their brains are like Down syndrome. Bad breeding, bad brains."

He took a deep pull from his cigarette and exhaled, and continued with equal theater.

"We stopped doing this sort of thing 100 years ago,” he said. “It still goes on now, but it’s lower-class peasants who do it."

Yup, lower class peasants like Ashley and Pierce Bush. You can read about the whole vulgar affair here.

Posted by armand at January 3, 2007 07:29 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Culture

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