February 09, 2007

Ian Richardson Has Died

"Nothing lasts forever. Even the longest and most glittering reign must come to an end some day."

If there's been a better overtly political series on television than House of Cards you'll have to remind me what it was. That cutting, smart and darkly comic look at the rise of British prime minister is one of the best television series I've seen, period. And that was due, in no small part, to the excellent work Ian Richardson did in that work (and in To Play the King and The Final Cut, the latter two installments of the trilogy that followed House of Cards). Little bro was kind enough to buy the box set of all three for me for Christmas this past year, and while I have yet to watch the final series again, having watched the first two series again in the last 6 weeks I can say that Richardson's work holds up very well. Francis Urquhart remains a fascinating devil, one of the most watchable and compeling villains in the history of television. Of course I might very well think that - he couldn't possibly comment.

Posted by armand at February 9, 2007 04:39 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Culture | Politics


I was just watching part of The Final Cut again this weekend. These series really are so good. And Richardson inhabits the role so very, very well. And when I think about him mastering something like this and something like Mr. Book (in Dark City) ... a great career.

Posted by: Armand at February 19, 2007 12:36 PM | PERMALINK
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