March 08, 2007

I Can't Possibly Add Anything Beyond This Headline

Gingrich Had Affair During Clinton Probe.

Posted by baltar at March 8, 2007 10:35 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Corruption | Culture | Politics


That story is weirdly lacking in details. Who did he have the affair with, what were the circumstances ... because it does seem rather relevant to me whether or not it was with a subordinate in his office, etc. If there is no way whatsoever in which the action was possibly criminal - that sort of seems like something the story should point out more clearly.

Posted by: Armand at March 9, 2007 09:00 AM | PERMALINK

Why did I think that we knew this already? Was it rumored at the time, maybe?

Posted by: jacflash at March 9, 2007 09:10 AM | PERMALINK

Well, the details of the Starr Report got him all randy and ribald.

Posted by: norbizness at March 9, 2007 09:15 AM | PERMALINK

here, here, and . . . oh, well, actually i don't feel like linking more than this. the gist is pretty straightforward, and i've seen no indication that bisek was actually his professional subordinate -- not that that makes the whole thing any less odious.

to dobson, gingrich hides behind the titular prosecution for perjury. but everyone knows gingrich led the much more sanctimonious charge against sexual misconduct, of which the perjury charge was just the unfortunate result. he's right, in principle -- a president lying isn't vitiated by the accuser behaving badly. but when the whole thing rests on a premise of family values, and the lie that engendered the prosecution arose from the incessant probing of matters fundamentally personal and private, then gingrich's own glass house is considerably more relevant.

Posted by: moon at March 9, 2007 09:44 AM | PERMALINK

everyone knows gingrich led the much more sanctimonious charge against sexual misconduct

Actually, my (admittedly dim) memory is that he sort of went and hid at that point, letting others take the lead in a way that seemed odd (and telling) at the time.

Posted by: jacflash at March 9, 2007 10:01 AM | PERMALINK

Oooooooooo - randy AND ribald. Fun!

Oh, wait, Newt randy and ribald - ewwww.

Posted by: Armand at March 9, 2007 10:17 AM | PERMALINK
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