March 13, 2007

Lytle on the Film Adaptation of 300

The reviews mocking its history are coming so fast and furious that I'm increasingly wanting to see this thing. Ephraim Ltyle's discussion of its historical inaccuracies is interesting - and almost Baltarian in its cutting analysis.

Elected annually, the five Ephors were Sparta's highest officials, their powers checking those of the dual kings. There is no evidence they opposed Leonidas' campaign, despite 300's subplot of Leonidas pursuing an illegal war to serve a higher good. For adolescents ready to graduate from the graphic novel to Ayn Rand, or vice-versa, the historical Leonidas would never suffice. They require a superman. And in the interests of portentous contrasts between good and evil, 300's Ephors are not only lecherous and corrupt, but also geriatric lepers.
Posted by armand at March 13, 2007 06:35 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Movies

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