March 30, 2007

Mazarr Brings Kingdon, Agenda Setting, Focusing Events and Policy Windows to the Decision to Go to War in Iraq

Since I was on vacation, I managed to catch up on my reading this week. That included 4 issues of The New Yorker and 2 issues of Foreign Policy Analysis. And the first article in the January issue of the latter is well worth your time if you are interested in that question I get asked all the time - "So Why Did We Go to War in Iraq?" And beyond that it's especially worth your time if you are interested in policy-making literature that brings together tools and approaches usually associated with American domestic politics (like Kingdon's) that can still inform our understanding of how the US state makes decisions in the realm of foreign policy. The article is "The Iraq War and Agenda Setting", by Michael J. Mazarr of the U.S. National War College.

Posted by armand at March 30, 2007 02:16 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Iraq

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