April 07, 2007

"Big Smelly Can of Worms"

Via Crooks and Liars, The Opinion Mill takes on Malkin's big blind spot about domestic terrorist acts in the United States. The post links to the Souther Poverty Law Center which has maintained some of the most consistent monitoring of violent racist groups. They also maintain an interactive map of hate groups, by state.

Posted by binky at April 7, 2007 02:01 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Extremism


I realize it's fun to bash Malkin - and who doesn't like easy fun? But is there really a point to it any more? Shouldn't she be treated like Fox News at this point (recognized as a silly-minded, hacktackular partisan)? I think it would be much more newsworthy if she actually had a reasonable thought.

Posted by: Armand at April 7, 2007 02:30 PM | PERMALINK

Well, I know it's too easy to bash her, but I think the important point is that her "I see you, you brown people you" approach to domestic terrorism obscures 1) that the threat is as likely to come from "non-brown" people and 2) that there have been organizations on "the Left" such as the SPLC who have been tracking this kind of domestic terror for decades.

Posted by: binky at April 7, 2007 02:38 PM | PERMALINK
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