April 29, 2007

Polley Discusses Away From Her

I've already been looking forward to Away From Her for months. But this paragraph in a profile of Polley makes me even more enthusiastic about seeing the film (which is adapted from an Alice Munro story, and stars Julie Christie):

"I think we have a really hard time culturally with what happens to love after the first year. It is difficult, and it is painful, and it is a letdown," said Ms. Polley, who married in 2003. "That first year is so much less profound than what happens when you're actually left with each other and yourself in an honest way. It was interesting to me to make a film about what love looked like after life had gotten in the way, and what remained."
Posted by armand at April 29, 2007 04:41 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Movies

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