May 15, 2007

What Will Clinton and Obama Do on Feingold-Reid?

The legislation requires the president to begin the "safe, phased withdrawal of U.S. forces" within 120 days. After March 31, 2008, all funds would be cut off for the deployment of troops in Iraq, with three exceptions: "targeted operations" against al-Qaida and other terrorists; security of U.S. facilities and personnel; training and equipping of Iraqi security forces.

John Edwards and Chris Dodd are in favor of it. Where will the other Democratic contenders come down on this proposal? Can a Democrat win the nomination after opposing something like this?

Posted by armand at May 15, 2007 12:26 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Iraq | Politics


To answer (in part) my question - Obama is going to vote for it.

Posted by: Armand at May 15, 2007 03:26 PM | PERMALINK
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