June 06, 2007

Tough Times for the Maliki Government - Turks Into Kurdistan

The Sadrists withdrew from his coalition, then the parliament blocked confirmation of his replacements for those cabinet ministers, and now the parliament has demanded that it grant permission for US troops to remain in the country.

Iraqi legislators led by followers of a radical Shi'ite cleric passed a resolution Tuesday requiring the government to seek parliamentary permission for asking the United Nations to extend the mandate of US-led forces in Iraq.

And what's followed that challenge to the government's authority to direct foreign policy as it sees fit? Why, an invasion (or should it be called an incursion?) by Turkey.

Several thousand Turkish troops crossed into northern Iraq early Wednesday to chase Kurdish guerrillas who operate from bases there, Turkish security officials told The Associated Press.

At least the Turks are saying it's not a major offensive and that their forces don't number in the "tens of thousands". But as I guess that's about as much of a brightside as the Maliki government is going to find in this ... I think it's safe to say they are having a horrible week.

UPDATE: According to the Kurds the number of Turkish troops involved was smaller than the story implies and they have returned to Turkey.

Posted by armand at June 6, 2007 12:01 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Iraq

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