June 16, 2007

Joe Lieberman Must Really Hate Lincoln and Churchill

I think Josh Marshall is right on target here. What exactly is wrong with questioning the competence of military leaders? And if merely questioning their competence is wrong - shouldn't not listening to their recommedations, or especially firing them, be some horrifying sin that merits vastly more criticism than simply labeling them incompetent? If Lieberman was more than an ideologue and semi-loony tool he might realize this. But on issues of war and the Middle East he long ago strayed far, far away from the path of logic.

Still, given the number of times the president he loves to hug has turned his back on generals, someone might want to pass Sen. Lieberman a copy of Supreme Command, a book the president has read, written by one of the newest neocons to join the administration.

Though by the way, what's with the interviewer asking Joe Lieberman to explain Harry Reid's thoughts? What possible purpose did that serve other than to give Lieberman a chance to insult Reid?

Posted by armand at June 16, 2007 03:19 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Military Affairs | Politics

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