June 19, 2007

The Cold War Returns!!!

We have a different "enemy," but just about everything else is the same. Via DefenseTech, we find that the US and China are installing a "hot line" to facilitate communications during crises. Just like the Cold War (where we had one with the USSR):

U.S. and Chinese officials are expected to finalize arrangements in September for a "hotline" communications link between the Pentagon and China's Ministry of Defense. Lieutenant General Zhang Qinsheng, the deputy chief of General Staff of the People's Liberation Army, is planning to attend a meeting in Washington, D.C., in September to complete arrangements for the link.

Don't get me wrong - this makes sense, but it does make me feel a little more "The Day After"ish than I want to be feeling. Posted by baltar at June 19, 2007 10:47 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Culture | History | International Affairs | Military Affairs | Politics

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