August 03, 2007

Is Being Open and Honest On Foreign Policy the Clinton/Obama Divide?

That's how Sam Boyd is reading this week's back and forth between the senators from Illinois and New York.

A pattern is developing. Obama says something vaguely controversial but sensible, Clinton condemns it as naive, careless and stupid, but then it becomes clear she doesn't actually have any real criticisms of his policy. The pattern does, however, perhaps reveal a disagreement about how foreign policy should be conducted. Obama is more willing to be open about what options he would consider while Clinton puts more value in secrecy and deterrence. Neither approach is without merit, but I find something refreshing in Obama's willingness to be honest and forthright, even when what he says is a bit provocative, and I suspect that after almost seven years of the Bush administration I'm not the only one.
Posted by armand at August 3, 2007 09:59 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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