August 11, 2007


I am deeply ashamed. I have ... a favorite Romney brother/son.

It all started when I watched Jon Stewart's bit on those brothers' grueling national service - that is, working on their daddy's campaign. There was a clip of 3 of 'em and I got curious and checked a little into their backgrounds. Well, not any of the other four. All other Romneys I have seen appear too square (in all senses of the word) to raise any interest in me whatsoever. But in the clip Craig was introducing himself and said he's in the music industry and since I knew these guys had Myspace pages I went over there to take a look.

Turns out this Romney's actually got great taste in music (the first link he has after the family and his cat is Peter, Bjorn and John, his song is by the Strokes, and he has several other good links). It's too bad he has such bad taste in politicians. But hey, when his daddy has increased the size of Gitmo 10,000 times and locked up all the perfessers and libruls and others who might say something less than laudatory about his big, authoritarian, socially reactionary state (not saying that'll necessarily happen, but given the direction the Republicans have taken of late) ... well I hope President Romney at least lets Craig pick out the music playing in our cells.

Posted by armand at August 11, 2007 02:46 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Pure Unadulterated Snark

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