August 16, 2007

Kaplan on Giuliani's Foreign Affairs Piece

As a general rule one should read what Fred Kaplan writes. But this piece on Giuliani's foreign policy ... plan? screed? idiocy? ... is something you really don't want to miss.

Two months ago, when Giuliani issued some of his first pronouncements on foreign policy, I wrote that he is "that most dangerous would-be world leader: a man who doesn't seem to know how much he doesn't know." Judging from his Foreign Affairs article, the breadth and depth of his cluelessness are vaster than even I had imagined.
Posted by armand at August 16, 2007 07:39 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics


What's particularly weird about this is that Giuliani is writing for an elite audience (not many average voters - much less average Americans - read Foreign Affairs). Given the elite audience, Giuliani fails to show any real grasp of the realities of the world (and our ability to move the world). It reads like a meat-and-potatoes stump speech on the campaign trail.

It shows that Giuliani can't figure out his audience, and can't adjust. Again - this man should not be President.

Posted by: baltar at August 16, 2007 09:39 PM | PERMALINK

It shows that Giuliani can't figure out his audience, and can't adjust.

Or that his staff is remarkably clueless, which given his history is even easier to believe. Either way, I agree: He is manifestly unfit to be president.

Posted by: jacflash at August 17, 2007 08:52 AM | PERMALINK
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