September 06, 2007

Would Iran Nuke the Al Aksa Mosque?

Joe Klein notes something (in the midst of a very depressed column about the latest Republican presidential debate) that I pretty much never hear in discussions of the possibility that Iran would launch a nuclear attack against Israel:

... the fact that Iran may someday build a nuclear device is a problem, but not an existential threat to the U.S., or Israel, for that matter. Any Iranian nuclear attack on Israel would also kill tens of thousands of Muslims and make the third most holy Islamic site - the Al Aksa mosque - uninhabitable.

You know if the Iranians really are a bunch of religious zealots, and it's that zealotry that would drive them to launch a potentially suicidal attack - well, would they engage in the scenario Klein describes?

Posted by armand at September 6, 2007 12:49 PM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs

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