September 12, 2007

What Will Obama Say About Iraq?

Given that I find Sen. Clinton's views on the topic to be ... okay, breathe, if you can't say something nice about someone ... okay then, moving on, the 2nd leading Democratic candidate for president is going to be giving a major speech about Iraq on Wed. Hopefully he'll announce that he's going to actually hold the president's feet to the proverbial fire and demand a change in policy now. There is that funding bill that can be used to require changes in policy.

The address on Iraq, the official said, will include new policy proposals on troop withdrawals, diplomacy in Iraq and the region and ideas about what to do about the humanitarian crisis in Iraq. He’ll also talk about his ideas for U.S. leadership in the region after the war, the official said.

In January, Obama announced a plan to begin a troop withdrawal that was to have begun by last May. The goal was to have combat brigades out of the country by March 31, 2008.

Obama will be accompanied on this trip by Zbigniew Brezezinski, the national security adviser for Jimmy Carter. Brezezinski announced his support for Obama last month.

UPDATE: I'm bumping this post from Monday up since now we've got some details, and I think they look good - both substantively and politically.

Posted by armand at September 12, 2007 08:10 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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