September 24, 2007

Abortion - Not Just Murder, It's Child Sacrifice!

There is an, mmmmmmmmm let's go with "impassioned", letter in today's campus paper stating that people who have abortions are not merely committing murder - they are sacrificing babies to the god Molech. Errrr, right.

Posted by armand at September 24, 2007 01:32 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Extremism


I for one welcome our new Molechian overlords.

(Seriously? Is this online somewhere so that we can mock it firsthand?)

Posted by: jacflash at September 24, 2007 03:56 PM | PERMALINK

I don't have time to do the whole thing, but... a fisking we will go, a fisking we will go, high ho the dairio...

The problem in our culture and many cultures throughout history is simply this – mankind wants to be his own "god." The end result? After a while his conscience stops alerting him "this is wrong" until he doesn’t "feel" that it (the wrong behavior) is wrong anymore. That doesn’t change the objective reality that it is still wrong, but it does make him (or her) feel better about the wrong behavior and allow him to continue in it although to his own detriment.

Oh yeah, like he's aiming this letter at all those "hims" out there. Uh-oh.

Also, my conscience alerts me that this guy makes himself feel better by telling himself he's better than at least half the population.

To the pro-choicer I ask - is murder wrong? And what is abortion if not murder? And if not the ancient god Molech, to what god are you sacrificing your children and at what cost to yourself, not to mention the life of the unborn child?

Well, it sure seems like those folks out protesting the other day were sacrificing their children and any hope at a normal life they might have. Perhaps to their god (or as he would likely have it the only God), but more likely to their own vanity and sense of self-importance.

The god you are sacrificing your child to is the god of self. It is the god of "I’m going to do whatever I want, and no one is going to stop me no matter what the cost." It is the god of convenience. It is the god of "I don't care if its right or wrong. I want what I want."

Which is completely different from the god of self that dictates "I don't care about all the DNA evidence in the world, my holy book says we're not related to chimps?"

It is the god of "It's my body, and I don't want this responsibility." We are all guilty of worshipping the god of "self" at times if we are honest with ourselves. But some choices have consequences that are far too serious, and there is a much better way to live.

Like under your thumb. Riiiiight.

Loving others means doing unto others what you would have them do unto you. Do you have a heart that cares about others? We can point to the relatively rare cases of pregnancy due to rape or incest to try to justify abortion, but really isn’t that just an excuse to do whatever we want even at the expense of innocent lives? More than one million abortions are performed each year just in the U.S.

Ah, so rare, rape and incest.

Posted by: binky at September 24, 2007 04:35 PM | PERMALINK

I love this, why-make-rules-with-the-minority-of-cases-in-mind rhetorical tactic (which probably is covered by a cooler, less hyphenated Greek word), which is never made by people who recognize (or wrongly believe) that they, themselves, have a goodish chance of ending up in that minority.

We can point to the relatively rare cases of police abuse of authority to justify the Fourth Amendment, but isn't that really just an excuse to prevent cops from sniffing out the bad guys?

Posted by: moon at September 25, 2007 10:33 AM | PERMALINK

Don't scoff. Human sacrifice is very real and current. For example, Saddam Hussein was sacrificed to the gods of war and approval ratings.

Posted by: Justin at September 26, 2007 09:23 AM | PERMALINK
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