September 30, 2007

Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle

Okay, so I could probably watch Jennifer Jason Leigh run errands for 2 hours and still enjoy watching her, and it's always fun to see a giant cast full of familiar faces, but this 1990's film about Mrs. Parker and the Algonquin Round Table really wasn't all that interesting. I mean it's not that the acting or art direction or photography or script is bad. It was just kind of one-note and depressing, and everything you were going to learn you did in the first half hour or so. As witty as they were, a lot of the people featured in the film (at least Mrs. Parker) had rather less than pleasant lives. And so little ever really changed in her life (apparently) that halfway through I was wishing the story was centered on Harold Ross, George S. Kaufman, Jane Grant or Ruth Hale.

Posted by armand at September 30, 2007 11:21 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Movies


This is the movie we were supposed to see that night of the rain storm in Austin, right?

Posted by: binky at September 30, 2007 12:12 PM | PERMALINK

Yep - and actually I think that painfully awful May-December thing we watched was more fun, so perhaps it worked out for the best. Especially since I definitely liked that doc on Tupperware and its early management.

Posted by: Armand at September 30, 2007 01:15 PM | PERMALINK
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