November 25, 2007

Aharon Barak on Israel and the US and the Security/Rights Balance

It's a sign of how far the US has moved in the last decade that the current and former heads of Israel's highest court are noting that Israel is much better at protecting human rights than the United States. Of course our systems are very different, but they know a thing or two about dealing with the threat of terrorism and it's less than reassuring that Barak considers our post-9/11 actions to be a "disaster".

Click here if you want the story - which also touches on the Israeli government's current plan to limit the power of its judiciary to hear security-related matters, and the Justice Minister's denunciation of the justices speaking out on supposedly non-judicial matters.

Posted by armand at November 25, 2007 10:51 PM | TrackBack | Posted to International Affairs | Law and the Courts

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