December 16, 2007

Drezner on Mike Huckabee's Foreign Policy

Dan Drezner takes a look at Huckabee's essay in Foreign Affairs and comes away less than impressed. Actually that's putting it mildly. Take this for example:

Really, you just have to stand back and marvel at the contradiction of sentiments contained in that paragraph. It's endemic to the entire essay - for someone who claims he wants to get rid of the bunker mentality, Huckabee offers no concrete ideas for how to do that, and a lot of policies (rejecting the Law of the Sea Treaty, using force in Pakistan, boosting defense spending by 50%) that will ensure anti-Americanism for years to come.

And the hits continue from there.

In other 2008 election news John McCain has won the endorsements of both the Boston Globe and the Des Moines Register (for whatever good that'll do him). On the Democratic side the Boston paper went with Obama and the Des Moines paper recommends Clinton.

Posted by armand at December 16, 2007 01:19 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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