January 18, 2008

Hillary Clinton: A Communist Satan or the Uber-Triangulator?

This Pew study that Kevin Drum (among others) has linked to is fascinating. Both Republicans and Democrats see the Republican presidential candidates in a strikingly similar way, ideologically speaking. But Republicans and Democrats have notably different perceptions of senators Obama and Clinton - especially Senator Clinton. Whereas Democrats see her as an arch-moderate, Republicans see ... help me out people, I was born in the 1970s and am unfamiliar with any US politician who's as leftist as Republicans seem to think she is. George McGovern maybe?

I've said it before and I'll be saying if in the future - nominating her for the presidency is a very risky proposition for the Democrats. And, clearly, Republicans are wildly disconnected from the reality of who Senator Clinton actually is.

Posted by armand at January 18, 2008 04:15 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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