January 19, 2008

Which Portraits Would You Hang in the White House?

So the latest (that I can keep track of) inane brouhaha stirred up by the Edwards and Clinton campaigns over a comment by Senator Obama had to do with grossly misinterpreting something Obama said about President Reagan. Predictably, it was later revealed that Senator Clinton has also praised Reagan's communication skills. Amid all the fact-checking related to the incident an interview was dug up in which Senator Clinton mentioned which presidents she admires and whose portraits she'd like to see hanging in her White House. So my question to you is this - if you were president (yeah, a hilarious thought, but go with it) which presidents from the past would you honor in this way, if any?

And no cheating like Sen. Paul Simon did when asked this in a 1988 presidential debate. Sure, sure, sure, it would be a good thing to put pictures of maids and miners and bus drivers on the walls too, but if you'd include portraits of presidents, who would they be?

Posted by armand at January 19, 2008 10:28 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics | Random Thoughts

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