February 05, 2008

WV for Huckabee?

In more West Virginia news, the closed Republican Caucus (down in Charleston, 200 miles from here in Morgantown) decided to support Huckabee. The first round of voting gave Romney 41%, but convention rules say you have to win with 50%, so a second round happened. The rumor is that McCain's (who showed poorly in the first round) supporters were told to vote Huckabee, in order to prevent the state from going to Romney.

Thus, Huckabee wound up with 18 delegates.

It's worth noting the non-democratic nature of this process. This wasn't an open caucus (like Iowa), but a closed one where only WV Republican party members could caucus; it clearly wasn't open to any WV Republican (I'm registered as one and never got an invite). So how accurate a barometer of WV Republican sentiment (meaning "WV Republican voters") this is, is anyones guess.

WV Republican voters will vote alongside WV Democrats in May, come the primary. Of course, that (open) primary will only seat 9 delegates (as opposed to today's "insider" primary, which seated 18). Nice to see the WV Republican party ditching democracy like our President has done for the last 7 years.

Posted by baltar at February 5, 2008 02:56 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Corruption | Crunchy Nutbars | Free Speech | Politics


This is the STUPIDEST method I have heard of yet within an entire system of rampant stupidity. At least they didn't give all their delegates to someone with a plurality.

Obama 08

Posted by: ryan at February 5, 2008 05:15 PM | PERMALINK
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