April 01, 2008

The State of the Democratic Presidential Race

The latest numbers are up on Campaign Diaries. Obama's lead over Clinton among the pledged delegates has grown to 162 (1415.5 to 1253.5). I don't see any way Clinton can overcome that. And I still find it weird that people seriously discuss the idea that the superdelegates might support the candidate who doesn't lead in pledged delegates. The race remains close to a lock for Obama. Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Kentucky can't change that. Perhaps the Clintons themselves can do something to destroy him - but I don't see how that wouldn't destroy her chances in November (and both of their reputations in the party). But short of "dead girl, live boy" revelation, Obama's a very heavy favorite to win the Democratic nomination. Given that fact I find it odd so many superdelegates are remaining on the sidelines. But then politicians are often followers, not leaders.

Posted by armand at April 1, 2008 11:20 AM | TrackBack | Posted to Politics

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