April 26, 2008

Smart People

So I went to see this Dennis Quaid and Sarah Jessica Parker film today with she who I believe has chosen to go as kikimonster here at Bloodless Coup. I'd give it a thumbs up. I'd warn that it's about some almost impossible to like people. And so it takes a while to get into it. Oh, and Ellen Page needs to play some other kind of role fast because her work in this just seemed like a reprise of her performance in Juno. But there's a lot else to the movie, and all in all, once you got to the end credits, it was something I'd enjoyed. Nice music too.

Posted by armand at April 26, 2008 04:58 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Movies


You have to admit that the guy you ended up liking the most was supposed to be the "biggest loser" in the movie. Chuck rocked.

Posted by: kikimonster at April 26, 2008 09:12 PM | PERMALINK

The thing to remember is that - as I understand it - Page filmed Smart People just before Juno...

Posted by: StinkyLulu at April 27, 2008 12:50 AM | PERMALINK

Yeah, though that also points to the most unsettling theme of the movie - academics and smart people are apparently mostly messed up and deeply unhappy, whereas if we all lived on somebody's sofa ...

So maybe the character I liked most was the son (who was also well played) - I mean he seemed to find a balance.

Posted by: Armand at April 27, 2008 11:08 AM | PERMALINK
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