September 03, 2008

Key Dates in History: The Battle of Ain Jalut

748 years ago today, the Mamluks defeated the Mongols. One can play all out many interesting "what if" scenarios about other possible alternative histories that might have occurred if the Mongols hadn't been stopped.

Posted by armand at September 3, 2008 04:55 PM | TrackBack | Posted to History


if the mongols did manage to defeat the muslims that day, then europe, as we know it, wouldnt really exist today.

islamic egypt was the only standing power to go toe to toe with the mongols.the crusaders were cowering in their castles, arguing with each other about whether joining the mongols or the muslims.

so if the muslims had lost, then the miongols would divert their attention further westwards, as was their plan anyway. but this time they really wouldnt be worried about any army facing them.

Posted by: bayezid at February 5, 2009 10:38 AM | PERMALINK
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