September 07, 2008

Could McCain Be Any More of a Celebrity Among the East-Coast Elite?

Imagine that asked in my best Chandler Bing voice.

It's hard to imagine anyone who better represents the Washington elite than McCain. He fits that bill in so many ways. And I learned a new one from Halperin today (yes, it's a day in which Halperin added a fact to the political diaolgue - who knew such things happened?). As of today Sen. John Sidney McCain III has been on Face the Nation 65 times. Yes, you read that right, 65 times, on just one of the Sunday talk shows. And while I knew he was far and away the favorite guest of the Sunday tv pundits over the last decade, it turns out that their chummy little chats with him before a national audience happen so frequently that he's actually been on Face the Nation more often than any other guest in the entire run of the show. And the show has been on for 54 years. Yes, it's 7 years older than Sen. Obama, and 10 years older than Gov. Palin, and McCain's been on it more than any other guest during the entire run of the show. With a record like that the assertion that he's not a signature feature of the ensconced Washington elite is, well, bizarre.

Posted by armand at September 7, 2008 12:35 PM | TrackBack | Posted to Media | Politics

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